RESINDUSTRY - Policies for Renewable Energy Sources in Industry

RESINDUSTRY outcomes overview
RESINDUSTRY is an interregional cooperation project for improving low-carbon economy policies. It is co-funded by the Interreg Europe program. The partnership consists of seven partners from the Czech Republic (Lead Partner), Finland, Spain, Estonia, Poland, Austria, and Malta.

Project duration: 08/2019 - 07/2023

Budget: 1,38 M€ ERDF

Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Interreg Europe 2014-2020
LAB role
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials
Takes place in project

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An easy way to explore RESINDUSTRY and its activity is by watching the projects’ videos: (1) RESINDUSTRY & Päijät-Häme Climate Action Roadmap and (2) RESINDUSTRY – Best Practices in Industrial Use of Renewable Energy from Finland. You can also read short blogs about RESINDUSTRY.

RESINDUSTRY aims to increase the energy independence of the EU industry sector, by decreasing its energy intensity through higher integration of RES.

The long-term objective is to increase the industry competitiveness by decreasing its energy bill, rising their energy independency, thus uncoupling their energy costs from geopolitical externalities.

To achieve these long-term strategic objectives, the short-term objectives are to boost RES investment in the industry by improving Operational Programmes with new policies for RES promotion.
Realisation of goals
The project kick-off meeting took place in Prague, Czech Republic, on 22-23.10.2019.

The 2nd Interregional Workshop took place in Dornbirn, Austria on 3-4.3.2020.

The 3rd online Interregional Workshop will be held on 21-22.10.2020.
7 Action Plans influencing 8,1 M€ of SF and 2,5 M€ non-SF

90 participants with increased capacity

83 policy learning events

10 Best Practices

7 Regional Assessments, including the Strategic Analysis of RES Technologies for regional industry and KPIs reports

Sustainable Development Goals

RESINDUSTRY Best Practices & Market Analysis from Finland

Project managers