Razom - Yhdessä - Together

Razom - Yhdessä - Together -hanke
Razom - Yhdessä - Together is a project for working-age people receiving temporary protection status in Finland. The project will help them to find work that matches their skills and experience while living in Finland, as well as strengthen professional capacity and integration. The activities of the project include the guiding point, a personal survey on competences and needs, and guidance to work or to study.

The project is implemented by LAB University of Applied Sciences (administrator), Salpaus Training Center and

Harjula Settlement. The project's operating model “Razom” will be implemented also after the project period and can be used as a tool for the integration and employment of other immigrant groups.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2014-2020 Flat Rate
LAB role
Lead partner
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers