PH-LABRA, Päijät-Hämeen oppilaitosten laboratorioiden toimintatapojen ja yhteistyöpotentiaalin kehittäminen
The objective of the PH-LABRA project is to develop and implement an operational environment that enables the laboratories of educational institutions in the Lahti region (Salpaus, the University of Helsinki, LUT University, and LAB University of Applied Sciences) to enhance and expand collaboration both among institutions and between companies, focusing on RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation) activities driven by the needs of the business sector. The project is implemented through four work packages. It will produce an operational model and plan for concrete collaboration between laboratories and with local companies, a knowledge-sharing platform tool utilizing artificial intelligence, and communication materials targeted at working life. The shared situational overview of the educational institutions and the ability to utilize various analysis devices and facilities will support companies in developing or adopting products, materials, services, production methods, and technologies. The project is carried out by LAB University of Applied Sciences, LUT University, the University of Helsinki, and Salpaus Further Education in collaboration with key local actors and stakeholders.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
EAKR 2021-2027
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials