Low-carbon products of construction and demolition waste reject

As the environmental legislation is tightening the recycling rate of construction waste must be increased to 70% by 2020 from estimated 58% in 2014. From 2020 material containing more than 10% organic or biodegradable substances cant be delivered to landfills. The screening residue from the sorting of construction and demolition waste contains organic matter such as plastics, fibers, and wood. Currently, there is no valuable use for the residue. The utilization of construction and demolition waste as material increases the value chain of the whole process. By specializing in increasing the value chain of construction waste, the market shares of companies in the Päijät-Häme region can increase significantly.

The main goal is to develop new types of processing methods to increase the value chain of construction and demolition waste reject and create new products. The goal is to develop waste-based raw materials for new added-value products that have real market demand. Creating more valuable products would, in turn, promote sorting by increasing demand for the raw materials.

This project is in line with the goals set by the EU to promote the material use of construction and demolition waste and the needs of the Päijät-Häme circular economy strategy. The project also meets the needs of companies in the Päijät-Häme region, as construction and demolition operations generate a large amount of waste, the utilization of which has no cost-effective and/or environmentally efficient solutions.

Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ERDF 2014-2020
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Ville Puhakka
RDI specialist
ville [dot] puhakkaatlab [dot] fi