Linjakas ja Liikkuva LUT-yhteisö kehittää linjakasta ohjausta, lisää yhteisöllisyyttä ja edistää liikkuvaa opiskelua

The guidance services and well-being of the LUT university community will be developed in a streamlined and mobile direction by strengthening and developing local and online services.

The target group is students from the LUT university community (LUT University and LAB University of Applied Sciences).

The measures and objectives of the project are divided into three main themes:

1. Development of streamlined and diverse control activities

2. Increasing community

3. Promoting well-being and positive mental health

The aim of the project is to promote the well-being and positive mental health of students, to develop streamlined and diverse counseling activities and to increase community spirit. The results promote the progress and completion of students' studies on time. The project indirectly supports the goals of increasing lifelong learning, the availability of a skilled workforce and increasing the employment rate, as well as reducing the risks of exclusion of university students and promoting regional employment.

Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
The Ministry of Education and Culture
LAB role
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers