Kuivikelantojen hyödyntäminen biokaasutuotannossa ja pelloilla biolannoitteena
In the project, a new kind of value chain of alternative litter materials is investigated. The approach of the research includes the use of reed straw and other similar materials as a bedding material for animals. Also the utilization of litter afterwards for the production of biogas is investigated.
Tthe digestate produced by the biogas plant can be used as biofertilizers. Reed is an essential source because of its ability to thrive in a variety of environments, such as former peatlands, and it also has the ability to act as a perennial carbon sequestering plant. Previous research shows that reed flakes have properties similar to peat as a bedding material. In addition, reed mulch is more suitable for biogas production compared to wood-based bedding materials. It is also certain that both the water-holding capacity and dust-freeness of the bedding, as well as the production potential of biogas, can be significantly enhanced by pre-treatment of the material.
The goal of this project is to evaluate an economically viable and ecologically sustainable value chain for different bedding materials. This value chain combines the production of biogas and biofertilizers.
Tthe digestate produced by the biogas plant can be used as biofertilizers. Reed is an essential source because of its ability to thrive in a variety of environments, such as former peatlands, and it also has the ability to act as a perennial carbon sequestering plant. Previous research shows that reed flakes have properties similar to peat as a bedding material. In addition, reed mulch is more suitable for biogas production compared to wood-based bedding materials. It is also certain that both the water-holding capacity and dust-freeness of the bedding, as well as the production potential of biogas, can be significantly enhanced by pre-treatment of the material.
The goal of this project is to evaluate an economically viable and ecologically sustainable value chain for different bedding materials. This value chain combines the production of biogas and biofertilizers.
Project period
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Project funding

Project focus area
Multipurpose materials