Ketterät digistepit
Companies need to develop their businesses by harnessing digital technologies. To achieve real business benefits from digitalization, digital development must be linked to the company's strategy and investments in new operations utilizing digitality must be measured. Digital technology and the business opportunities it brings are developing at a tremendous rate, and companies that focus on their own business do not have time to keep up with the times. Thus, they are not able to identify the essential things that could be developed in their business with new technologies.
The project aims to promote the ability of companies in Päijät-Häme to develop their businesses agilely and continuously to utilize digital technologies in such a way that it supports the achievement of strategic goals. In addition, the aim is to make this activity aimed at developing companies at higher education institutions more visible and accessible.
The project aims to promote the ability of companies in Päijät-Häme to develop their businesses agilely and continuously to utilize digital technologies in such a way that it supports the achievement of strategic goals. In addition, the aim is to make this activity aimed at developing companies at higher education institutions more visible and accessible.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ERDF 2014-2020

LAB role
Lead partner
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation