IoT (Internet of things) belongs to ICT sector, which is growing fast globally. IoT technologies are key components in achieving significant improvements regarding productivity in businesses across all sectors. Understanding of and expertise in IoT technologies present a significant challenge, however. Iot Leap project develops IoT education in Lahti region, enabling IoT related productivity growth for the local industry.
The objectives of the project are:
1. Increasing the forms of cooperation and competence of local businesses and educational institutions in Päijät-Häme in the use of IoT technologies.
2. Raise awareness of local industry about the economic potential of intelligent devices and IoT technologies in order to achieve productivity gains.
3. Develop and pilot IoT training for employees of local companies, unemployed ICT workers and young people.
The objectives are reached by organizing sectoral workshops, webinars, work-life pilots and online studies, all with IoT
content, as well as planning IoT related study options for all levels of education. Regarding secondary level education
special attention is paid to female students in order to encourage them to get more interested in the possibilities
provided by the ICT sector.
The project increases the IoT understanding and skills of employees (in local businesses and at the educational institutions), unemployed ICT workers and young people in Lahti region. It promotes cooperation of educational institutions and working life, which helps in developing more opportune training for employees. On the other hand the
cooperation activities also increase the knowledgebase of the teaching and study guidance staff concerning IoT technologies.
All the piloted IoT studies and study materials can be utilized after the project in order to ensure the IoT productivity leap in the long run. This will be a strong enabler of sustainable economic growth in the Päijät-Häme economic area.
The objectives of the project are:
1. Increasing the forms of cooperation and competence of local businesses and educational institutions in Päijät-Häme in the use of IoT technologies.
2. Raise awareness of local industry about the economic potential of intelligent devices and IoT technologies in order to achieve productivity gains.
3. Develop and pilot IoT training for employees of local companies, unemployed ICT workers and young people.
The objectives are reached by organizing sectoral workshops, webinars, work-life pilots and online studies, all with IoT
content, as well as planning IoT related study options for all levels of education. Regarding secondary level education
special attention is paid to female students in order to encourage them to get more interested in the possibilities
provided by the ICT sector.
The project increases the IoT understanding and skills of employees (in local businesses and at the educational institutions), unemployed ICT workers and young people in Lahti region. It promotes cooperation of educational institutions and working life, which helps in developing more opportune training for employees. On the other hand the
cooperation activities also increase the knowledgebase of the teaching and study guidance staff concerning IoT technologies.
All the piloted IoT studies and study materials can be utilized after the project in order to ensure the IoT productivity leap in the long run. This will be a strong enabler of sustainable economic growth in the Päijät-Häme economic area.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2014-2020 Flat Rate
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Intangible value creation