Ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutuminen Etelä-Karjalassa

Climate change is a global threat that has been and will be tackled by all sectors of society. Attention related to climate change has long been related to mitigation, but in the future, adaptation measures are also necessary.

Adapting to climate change in South Karelia -project’s aim is to initiate and enhance climate change adaptation work in the municipal and business sectors of South Karelia through workshops, communication, networking and practical piloting. The goal is to increase the know-how and capabilities of municipalities and companies related to adaptation to climate change in cooperation with actors in the region, as well as to increase municipalities' knowledge of agricultural emissions and climate measures and to improve the discussion atmosphere around the topic. The goal of the project is also to pilot climate change adaptation solutions, such as storm water and green construction solutions, in municipalities.

LAB University of Applied Sciences organizes workshops for the municipalities of South Karelia, where the adaptation situation of the municipalities will be clarified. Based on these, communication is carried out about the identified information needs. Regional workshops related to climate change and safety are organized. Joint discussion events are organized for municipalities and agricultural entrepreneurs, where information is exchanged about the parties' climate actions and goals. The project organizes information events and workshops for small and medium-sized companies, where the challenges and business opportunities brought by climate change are discussed. The project brings together the regional network of climate and adaptation work in South Karelia.

The Municipality of Luumäki adapts to future increases in heavy rainfall with a stormwater management plan and restores the Palolampi area into a local recreational area that is resilient to climate change and supports biodiversity.

The City of Imatra enhances stormwater management by piloting water-retaining environmental and plant structures and developing a stormwater management guide for local residents.

The City of Lappeenranta updates its biodiversity program to respond to changing climate conditions, implements an alien species application, and improves forest adaptation with a forest disaster risk preparedness plan and updated forest management guidelines.

Project implementation period: 1.11.2024-30.6.2027
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
EAKR 2021-2027
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Kaisa Tuominen
RDI specialist
kaisa [dot] tuominenatlab [dot] fi