Esport Educational Ecosystem

The objective of this project is to develop and implement an educational process and model that brings together
multiple fields of profession and education. This model will in the future meet the demands and needs of emerging field of e-Sports.
With this project an integrative model and an ecosystem will be moderated in the operative environment of e-Sports, as an example of a new continuously growing area of business and profession, for different educational levels and lines whose pedagogic operating manner is to increase the regional value, emerge the growth and recognise the need of know-how within the field and to create a user-friendly fresh implementation of education that aims to build new information.
The objective of this project is to create a model of educational system that enables to produce know-how into the
different fields and surrounding effects involved, concept knowledge for the new growth sector and produce additional value for regional business and the needs of educational pedagogic context. Project aims to combine different fields of professionals and educators in upper secondary and higher education: sports, business and management, innovative management students and e-Sport enthusiasts, also all other possible operators and interest groups close by.
The project is implemented process like channelled held the sub-objectives in mind and deflected by the actions
derived from them. The pedagogy of the project observes the needs of working life participating the operators and
employers within the field.
The project recognizes untraditional development of career and labour and an educational path for people with
different ages and educational history in the field of e-Sports. Project enables new education formations to arise to
meet the demands and needs of field of professions in the future. Project strengthens the development of coaching in the e-Sports onwards.
multiple fields of profession and education. This model will in the future meet the demands and needs of emerging field of e-Sports.
With this project an integrative model and an ecosystem will be moderated in the operative environment of e-Sports, as an example of a new continuously growing area of business and profession, for different educational levels and lines whose pedagogic operating manner is to increase the regional value, emerge the growth and recognise the need of know-how within the field and to create a user-friendly fresh implementation of education that aims to build new information.
The objective of this project is to create a model of educational system that enables to produce know-how into the
different fields and surrounding effects involved, concept knowledge for the new growth sector and produce additional value for regional business and the needs of educational pedagogic context. Project aims to combine different fields of professionals and educators in upper secondary and higher education: sports, business and management, innovative management students and e-Sport enthusiasts, also all other possible operators and interest groups close by.
The project is implemented process like channelled held the sub-objectives in mind and deflected by the actions
derived from them. The pedagogy of the project observes the needs of working life participating the operators and
employers within the field.
The project recognizes untraditional development of career and labour and an educational path for people with
different ages and educational history in the field of e-Sports. Project enables new education formations to arise to
meet the demands and needs of field of professions in the future. Project strengthens the development of coaching in the e-Sports onwards.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2014-2020 Flat Rate

LAB role
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation