Citizen-oriented circular economy solutions in South Karelia

Citizen-oriented circular economy solutions in South Karelia -project aims to develop citizen-centric and user-centric circular economy services using service design methods in South Karelia. This brings services closer to citizens and users. The project results three circular economy enhancing practices co-developed with residents and companies:

1) Bio waste collection boosting method

Bio waste collection in households and from regions will be enhanced through communication and practical service design experiments. Unit will be implemented in collaboration with residential community of Lauritsala in the city of Lappeenranta. Additionally, opportunities for a possible circular economy experiment will be investigated with a rural municipality in South Karelia.

2) 2–4 circular or sharing economy based solutions

Based on the needs of citizen communities, 1-2 unities will be chosen in both regions for developing and experimenting citizen-driven sustainability-oriented services. These services can be based for example on sharing or lending or services that otherwise increase energy-efficiency or sense of community. Unit will be implemented in Lauritsala and Skinnarila districts of Lappeenranta, and the opportunities for development are investigated in one rural municipality of South Karelia. Members of rural municipalities are invited in workshops.

3) Mapping service based on circular economy related consumer services.

Circular economy consumer service providers will be identified in the region of city of Lappeenranta, and accessibility of services will be improved with digital mapping service.

The co-developed practices take into account social, ecological and economic sustainability and resilience. The project produces information about circular economy business models based on the implemented experiments as well.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
EAKR 2021-2027
LAB role
Lead partner
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials
Takes place in project
Students' work in an exhibition

New ideas from Sustainable Design Studio to improve the sorting of biowaste

Sustainable Design Studio, a multidisciplinary course at LAB University of Applied Sciences, empowers students to tackle real-life projects. This spring, students addressed brief from the ASKI project, aiming to enhance biowaste sorting through innovative products, services, and marketing concepts. Their creative solutions promise to improve recycling practices and community engagement. Read the whole article here.

Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Kaisu Isomäki
RDI specialist
kaisu [dot] isomakiatlab [dot] fi