LAB Biofine - Kehittämishanke
The main object of the LAB Biofine Development project is to create a biomaterials processing ecosystem in Southern Karelia focused on innovation, development and commercialization. The project will launch a pilot biomaterial production facility during 2026 and strengthen business-oriented RDI cooperation and activities. The pilot plant will be a part of LAB University of Applied Sciences' research infrastructure, which will be used for pilot production directly sold to companies, research and development projects funded by public and private sources. The project will prepare the goals and roadmap for the Southern Karelia bio-ecosystem until 2030, significantly strengthen international research activities related to biomaterials, and attract external research, development, and innovation funding as well as new bio-economy business to the region. The project includes a separate LAB Biofine Investment Project that supports the objectives of the main project.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials