AI Riding coach application

AI Riding coach basic elements
We are helping riders to understand their good performance and repeat it!

The project focuses on exploring the applicability of combining inertial sensors (IMU) and augmented reality (AR) in equestrian coaching, with the goal of discovering new business models. The project involves developing an application capable of analyzing the performance of both the horse and rider, providing real-time feedback through AR glasses, and dynamically adjusting the training difficulty level. The feedback is based on both the rider's and the horse's individual progress and current performance.

During the project, the market potential of the product, potential marketing channels, and user needs will be assessed to validate the product's suitability for the market.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
LAB role
Lead partner
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being
Takes place in project

First visualizations of the product are ready and you can find it here

You will find there 

  • System description
  • The basic actions of the product 
  • How the product works
  • What are the benefits of the product 


Development Team

Our team is multidisciplinary, consisting of experts and researchers from LUT University and LAB University of Applied Sciences:

  • Commercialization experts (LAB: Timo Saarainen and Joni Surakka)
  • Augmented reality experts (LAB: Mikko Ruotsalainen and Mauri Huttunen)
  • Accelerometer experts (LUT: Mikko Kuisma and the electrical engineering and electronics team)
  • Multibody dynamics experts (LUT: Aki Mikkola and the mechanical engineering team)
  • Developers (LAB: Jevgeni Anttonen and Loan Phan)
  • Biomechanics expert and project manager (LAB: Asko Kilpeläinen)


If you got interested, want to know more or want to participate developing the product, don't hesitate to contact us.

Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Asko Kilpeläinen
asko [dot] kilpelainenatlab [dot] fi