Special Erasmus+ exchange possibilities for Ukrainian students and staff
Further info on exchange studies at LAB here.
If suitable mobility programme can be provided at LAB, Erasmus+ financial support can be paid. The accepted students would receive Erasmus+ grant (1150 euros/month + travel grant) for their exchange at LAB. The accepted teachers/staff would receive Erasmus+ grant (180 euros/day (mobility days 1-14), 126 euros/day (mobility days 15-60) + travel grant) for their exchange at LAB.
The applications are handled, and grants are awarded on first-come-first-served basis. Grant is paid by LAB University of Applied Sciences from Erasmus+ KA131 2022 project.
Exchange types (and available places):
- student exchange, one semester exchange studies at LAB (5)
- trainee exchange, 2-6 months traineeship if suitable employer found (5)
- teacher exchange (5)
- staff exchange (5)
Eligible to apply are those who were at the start of the Russian invasion
- registered as a student at a Ukrainian university (student and trainee exchange)
- working at a Ukrainian university (teacher and staff exchange)
Eligibility documents are needed e.g. certificate of enrollment or transcript of records (students), payslip or employment contract (staff).
If you are eligible and would like to apply, please contact International Services at
- student exchange: incoming
lab [dot] fi (incoming[at]lab[dot]fi)
- trainee exchange: placement
lab [dot] fi (placement[at]lab[dot]fi)
- teacher exchange: sari [dot] horn
lut [dot] fi (sari[dot]horn[at]lut[dot]fi)
- staff exchange: sari [dot] horn
lut [dot] fi (sari[dot]horn[at]lut[dot]fi)
International Services will then give you further instructions.
You can apply even though you would not be currently in Ukraine.