
Please see the new Incoming Exchange Student Guide in for updated information about exchange studies at LAB University of Applied Sciences.


We offer studies for exchange students in all our study fields. All available courses for exchange students are taught in English and are usually second or third year studies. The studies are offered by four faculties: Business and Hospitality Management, Health Care and Social Services, Technology  and the Institute of Design and Fine Arts. Language studies are provided by the LAB language center.

Spring 2025 Course offerings for exchange student to LAB 

The courses for exchange students are available in the online Study Guide. Please note that the course descriptions, implementations and timings can be updated in Study Guide later.

Business and Tourism and Hospitality
Design and Fine Arts
Health Care and Social Services

Here is the link for all of our courses from previous years, you can use those as guideline. Make sure you choose courses from the right campus. Also use courses from same semester, for example if you apply for autumn use last years autumn courses and if you apply for spring use spring semesters courses.

The majority of the chosen courses should be on-campus courses from the study field the student is applying for. Incoming exchange students may take some courses cross faculties and study fields if they meet the courses' prerequisites. However, please note that courses from the Institute of Design and Fine arts are available only for design and fine arts students. Note also that there can be changes in course offerings still in the beginning of the semester. 

Language and culture courses and interdisciplinary courses are open for all exchange students.

Learning Agreement

Please choose the courses for your Learning Agreement from the list of your study field. Exchange students are expected to complete 30 ECTS during the semester.

Erasmus+ students: Erasmus+ students' Learning Agreements are processed in Erasmus without papers network as data transfer. Erasmus+ students should therefore create Learning Agreement according to the instructions from their home institution in the system the home institution is using.

Non-Erasmus student: Non-Erasmus students should create a Learning Agreement in LAB Mobility-Online according to the instructions available on the platform.

Course Registration

The course registration takes place within the first two weeks of the semester. Please be prepared to make changes for your original study plan after the course schedules are published.

Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria for each course are specified in the Course Descriptions. At the beginning of each course, students will be informed on the assessment principles which must be based on the course objectives. LAB University of Applied Sciences has the following assessment scale: 
5 Excellent - 4 Very good - 3 Good - 2 Satisfactory - 1 Sufficient - 0 Fail 
H Pass 

Students who fail a course may re-sit the exam twice on specified dates. The grade of an approved course cannot be upgraded in a re-sit.

Students will be provided with feedback and assessment within four weeks after the course has finished and in any case well before the next possible retake. Grades for successfully completed courses that have been entered in the study credit register cannot be erased. 

ECTS Credit System

Finnish higher education institutions use ECTS credit system. The estimated work load for full time student is 30 ECTS credits per semester. Please note that a credit does not refer to the duration of a course, but to the estimated amount of work required. One credit refers to approximately 27 hours of work by the student. Lectures, projects, assignments and other forms of studies learning methods are all taken into consideration when the number of credits for each course is calculated. 

Transcript of records

Students at LAB University of Applied Sciences have an access to their study credit register where they can follow their up-to-date course performance. Official transcripts of records are provided by LAB University of Applied Sciences after all the grades have been given - approximately five weeks after the end of semester. Students will receive an email when their final transcript of records has been uploaded in the online system.