LAB University of Applied Sciences receives educational responsibilities in electrical and automation engineering

LAB-ammattikorkeakoululle myönnettiin sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikan koulutusvastuu
The Finnish Government has assigned the LAB University of Applied Sciences educational responsibilities in electrical and automation engineering, giving the institution the right to award Bachelor’s degrees in the field. The new degree studies will respond to the shortage of transportation and industry labour especially in the region of Päijät-Häme but also South Karelia – and even nationally.

The region of Päijät-Häme is suffering from a shortage of electrical and automation engineers. The electrification of transportation, sustainable energy solutions, and the modernisation of industrial operations require skilled labour in the electrical and automation engineering industries. The new educational responsibilities assigned to the LAB University of Applied Sciences are the result of collective efforts by regional actors, the City of Lahti, stakeholders and industrial enterprises to address the labour shortage.

”The new sphere of responsibilities is a great thing for LAB. Because the field in question is highly regulated, only those with a degree in the field are licensed to work in supervisory positions. Our new assignment helps us to address the growing need for workforce in industry in South Karelia and electric transportation systems in Päijät-Häme,” says President Turo Kilpeläinen of the LAB University of Applied Sciences. “LAB also wants to invest in a laboratory environment for electrical and automation engineering to enable research, development and innovation collaboration with business enterprises. The new educational responsibilities enable LAB to support the growth, investments and internationalisation of companies better and more extensively.”

The electric transportation cluster in Lahti needs skilled workforce quickly. In addition, traditional industry has long been in need of labour. The new Bachelor’s studies will be executed in close collaboration with local businesses, and the curriculum will be compiled to respond to the needs of industries.

”The upcoming electrical and automation engineering programme and existing programmes in information technology and mechanical engineering will complement each other in terms of both staff and infrastructure. We will soon start to plan the new laboratory environment and its financing,” says Dean Kirsi Taivalantti of LAB’s Faculty of Technology.

The first application period for LAB’s new Bachelor’s programme in electrical and automation engineering will be in 2022, and the studies will start in January 2023 by applying blended teaching. After the joint application period of spring 2023, both contact and blended approaches will be available.

Qualification upgrading in electrical and automation engineering in Lahti

LAB is addressing the critical need for workers by starting retraining and qualification upgrading in electrical and automation engineering next autumn. The training will be arranged in collaboration with the Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, which has long traditions in electrical engineering training. The primary aim of the retraining and qualification upgrading is to alleviate the shortage in electrical and automation engineering labour in Päijät-Häme. Applications can be submitted during a separate application period in February 2022.

According to Kilpeläinen, collaboration with the Vaasa University of Applied Sciences further expands the possibilities of higher education institutions and business enterprise to respond to future needs.

More information:

President Turo Kilpeläinen, +358 44 708 5085, turo [dot] kilpelainenatlab [dot] fi (turo[dot]kilpelainen[at]lab[dot]fi)

Dean Kirsi Taivalantti, +358 40 517 7702, kirsi [dot] taivalanttiatlab [dot] fi (kirsi[dot]taivalantti[at]lab[dot]fi)

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