Vihreällä taustalla valkoinen teksti: Sustainable Design Studio

Sustainable Design Studio X MUOKS & ASKI -exhibition

Event date and time
Event location
TILA-galleria / LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu
Mukkulankatu 19, 15210 Lahti
LAB's role
Sustainable Design Studio combines multidisciplinary student teams with self-learning and design workshops. Students use sustainable design thinking to design solutions for LAB research and innovation projects as well as collaborations with companies.

Breathing Life into Urban Spaces: MUOKS project

Reimagine greenery in urban environments with the MUOKS project. Guided by design process and organic materials, the brief was to concept regenerative growth, one greenery solution at a time.

Regenerative growth through design: Organic waste fibres and side streams as a growth base for nature-based solutions (MUOKS)


Discovering Biowaste Solutions: ASKI project

In ASKI project, circular economy meets community needs, weaving together service design methods to inspire citizens towards a greener tomorrow. The brief was to re-think biowaste recycling, making it effortless and more appealing for everyone.

Citizen-oriented circular economy solutions in South Karelia (ASKI)

Projects are co-funded by the European Union.


Logo: Euroopan Unionin osarahoittama