PilotGreen webinar: Blue-Green infrastructure for future cities in light of climate change
Why participate:
To influence: share your insight and examples of blue-green infrastructure solutions that can transform urban spaces.
To network: connect with national and international academia and progressive businesses, and get information about state-of-the-art and latest trends.
To get Inspired: engage in discussions about bold, innovative ideas for greening cities from small-scale pilot projects to city-wide landscape planning.
We look forward to your participation and contributions to this important discussion. Let’s work together to make our cities greener and more resilient!
Blue-Green infrastructure for future cities in light of climate change
15.00-15.10 Welcoming words and introduction to the webinar – Paul Carroll, PilotGreen expert, LAB University of Applied Sciences
15.10–15.30 Stakeholder views on potentials of Blue-Green-Infrastructure (BGI) and Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in flood risk management - Cornelius Scherzer, Professor em Dipl-Ing, HTW Dresden
15.30–15.50 Blue Green Infrastructure and active travel: examples from Lahti, Finland – Eeva Aarrevaara, Principal lecturer, LAB University of Applied Sciences and comments from Josué Arrieta Solís, Partnerships Manager, Sustrans Scotland
15.50-16.00 Break
16.00–16.20 Pilot Development for the Regenerative Design of Multispecies Habitats - Pierre Oskam, Founder and Creative Director, Urban Reef
16.20-16.40 Learning center and micro forest - Katherine Carrasco Inostroza, Municipality of Isla de Maipo, Chile
16.40-17.00 Linear urban forest - Ali Al Sammarraie, Harvard University