People walking on a sidewalk with water on one side. Vegetation and buildings in the background.

PilotGreen webinar: Blue-Green infrastructure for future cities in light of climate change

7.11.2024 15.00–17.00
Tapahtuman sijainti
The webinar link will be sent to the participants the day before.
LAB:n rooli
Adding greenery and integrating nature into our built environment has never been more integral to our design and planning procedures. Rethinking our cities to create healthier, more vibrant environments equipped to face the challenges of climate change is vital for this era. Hear from professionals who have applied systematic approaches to adapt blue-green infrastructure to local conditions and needs. Discover the latest strategies for combining green spaces with water management systems to create resilient urban environments.

Why participate:

To influence: share your insight and examples of blue-green infrastructure solutions that can transform urban spaces.

To network: connect with national and international academia and progressive businesses, and get information about state-of-the-art and latest trends.

To get Inspired: engage in discussions about bold, innovative ideas for greening cities from small-scale pilot projects to city-wide landscape planning.

We look forward to your participation and contributions to this important discussion. Let’s work together to make our cities greener and more resilient!


Blue-Green infrastructure for future cities in light of climate change

7.11.2024 15.00–17.00

15.00-15.10     Welcoming words and introduction to the webinar – Paul Carroll, PilotGreen expert, LAB University of Applied Sciences

15.10–15.30    Stakeholder views on potentials of Blue-Green-Infrastructure (BGI) and Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in flood risk management - Cornelius Scherzer, Professor em Dipl-Ing, HTW Dresden

15.30–15.50    Blue Green Infrastructure and active travel: examples from Lahti, Finland – Eeva Aarrevaara, Principal lecturer, LAB University of Applied Sciences and comments from Josué Arrieta Solís, Partnerships Manager, Sustrans Scotland

15.50-16.00   Break

16.00–16.20    Pilot Development for the Regenerative Design of Multispecies Habitats - Pierre Oskam, Founder and Creative Director, Urban Reef

16.20-16.40   Learning center and micro forest - Katherine Carrasco Inostroza, Municipality of Isla de Maipo, Chile

16.40-17.00   Linear urban forest - Ali Al Sammarraie, Harvard University
