Master's Entrance Examinations

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Entrance examinations, Autumn 2025 Intake


Master of Culture and Arts, Design for the Planet, online studies

Entrance examination course: Design Thinking in Sustainability 5 ECTS  

Max points 100 consists of:

  • Research literature and other content material examination 40 points.
  • Applied development task 60 points.

A successfully completed course will be accredited toward the degree for applicants who are admitted. Other applicants who successfully complete the course will receive a completion record.

The link to the MOOC online learning platform will be sent to applicants to the email address provided on the application form after the application period has ended.

The self-registration for the MOOC is open 29.1. and the course needs to be completed in 16.3. 2025.

Link to the MOOC online learning platform have been sent to applicants.

Master of Business Administration, Business Innovation Culture and Creativity, online studies

Entrance exam course: Futures and strategies – business renewal to enhance competitive advantages 5 ECTS

Entrance exam course consists of three parts, max points 100:

  • Part 1: Strategy as concept, exam/test Max 30, min 10
  • Part 2: Strategic analysis of business environment, essay and video. Max 40, min 10
  •  Part 3: Competitive business in future, Business Renewal plan Max 30, min 10

The link to the MOOC online learning platform will be sent to applicants to the email address provided on the application form after the application period has ended.

The course timetable is as follows:

  • Self-registration and MOOC opens 29.1.2025
  • First assignment 3.2.-9.2.2025
  • Second assignment 10.2.-26.2.2025
  • Third assignment 28.2.-16.3.2025

A successfully completed course will be accredited toward the degree for applicants who are admitted. Other applicants who successfully complete the course will receive a completion record.

Link to the MOOC online learning platform have been sent to applicants.

Master’s Degree Programme in Circular Economy Solutions, online studies

Entrance exam course: Circular Economy for Sustainability Transformation 5 ECTS 

The student selection is based on the points of the entrance exam course. Learning takes place on LAB University of Applied Sciences' MOOC online learning platform, which is open from 29 January to 16 March, 2025. Assignments must be submitted on the learning platform by the given deadlines. All instructions and materials related to the completion of the course can be found on the online learning platform.

Entrance exam course consists of two parts, max points 50: 

  • Part 1: An online exam that is based on literature and article materials. Max 20 p., min 10 p.
  • Part 2: An essay based on source literature and personal experience, 5-6 pages long. Max 30 p., min 10 p.   

Link to the MOOC online learning platform have been sent to applicants.


Master of Social and Health Care, Emergency Care Systems Development and Leadership, online studies

Entrance exam course
Students to this master programme are selected through an entrance exam course Designing and Evaluating Patient-Centered Emergency Care 5 ECTS, which is carried out in collaboration between LAB and Arcada UAS.

A successfully completed course will be accredited toward the degree for an applicant who has been admitted as a student. There is no fee for the entrance exam course.
Entrance exam course consists of three parts, max points 120: 

  • Video (10 p): Presentation and quality in emergency care context. Maximum 10 points. 3.-16.2.2025
  • Lectures (5+5 p): Participation of lecture 1: 5 points, participation of lecture 2: 5 points. Maximum 10 points. The lecture dates will be published later.
  • Essay 1 (50 p): Opportunities and challenges related to measuring effects and effectiveness in emergency care context. Maximum 50 points. 3.2.–2.3.2025
  • Essay 2 (50 p): Patient-centeredness in emergency care context. Maximum 50 points. 17.2.-16.3.2025

Please note, essays are checked for plagiarism.

The link to the MOOC online learning platform will be sent to applicants to the email address provided on the application form after the application period has ended. The entrance exam course will be held online between 3 Feb and 16 March 2025.

Link to the MOOC online learning platform have been sent to applicants.

Master’s Degree Programme in Technological Transformation Leadership, online studies

Entrance exam
The Entrance exam consists of two parts, max points 100: 

  • Part A: a written research plan of your master thesis max 60 points 
  • Part B: and a video presenting your personal motivation for taking part in the master's degree program max 40 points.

Entrance examination instruction (pdf) (Published 24 October 2024.)

Assessment of the written assignment
The evaluation will focus on the following:

  • Justification, topicality, and relevance of the topic
  • The logic and clarity of the research plan and the reflection of the research methods chosen with regards to the literature used.
  • Correctness of the written text, case language, clarity, and referencing of used materials.

Assessment of the motivational video
The evaluation of the video centers around the importance of this education in the student's professional development and career plans, ability to organize study time, and English language competence.