Strengthening students’ employability through enhanced skills formation

Background to the project

The youth unemployment rate in EU were close to 18 % in December 2017. Young graduates are struggling to find new jobs because they lack experience and the necessary skills. Europe’s higher education systems face challenges such as a mismatch between the skills Europe needs and the skills it has because, e.g. students graduate without the range of transversal skills they need for resilience in a changing world.

In order to foster employability effective skills development is crucial. Research shows that it is possible for higher education to improve student employability on a variety of measures, e.g. by strengthening the students’ transversal skills such as the ability to work in a team, problem solving and creative thinking.

Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Erasmus 2014-2020
LAB role
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
To foster employability, the EmploySkills project will support students in acquiring and developing transversal skills through the following objectives:

•Together with companies develop and implement curricula that emphasis transversal skills and meet job market’s


• Develop and implement new models (toolbox) to assess transversal skills

• Implement teacher training activities to help them develop curriculum design skills

• Develop and implement teacher support systems
Expected outcomes of the EmploySkills project:

• Improve teachers’ skills and competences in curriculum design

• Improve the assessment of transversal skills through development and implementation of an assessment toolbox

• Reduce skills mismatch by developing and implementing new curricula focusing on transversal skills

• Strengthen employability through reduced skills mismatch
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers