Siirtymä uusiutuvan energian ja resurssitehokkuuden hiilineutraaleihin ekosysteemeihin

The Siirtymä project aims to develop interoperability of renewable energy production units, energy transformations and energy storage facilities in Päijät-Häme. The project is based on an ecosystem approach, which allows nearby actors to efficiently use common renewable energy resources together and promotes the increased use of renewable energy, especially in industry.

The project is strongly linked to regional, national and international climate and energy frameworks. The project responds to the European Union's Fit for 55 package and the REPowerEU plan on regional level. The need has been identified in the international RESINDUSTRY project (Interreg Europe), which has defined the main renewable energy development themes in Päijät-Häme that will be developed according to the action plan: wind and solar energy, biogas energy and energy storage.

The project consists of three work packages (WP): 1. wind, solar and energy storage ecosystems, 2. regional biogas ecosystems, 3. cooperation networks and communication. WP 1 will identify potential locations for energy cooperation in the Päijät-Häme region and carry out technology comparisons and case studies for the selected areas. The planned ecosystems aim to achieve significant synergies in energy flows between the local actors. WP 2 will promote the already identified regional biogas ecosystems by providing the necessary baseline data and feasibility studies to underpin investments. In addition, the replicability of the ecosystems considered to other locations will be developed. WP 3 will develop a cooperation network on renewable energy and resource efficiency, building on existing stakeholders and will communicate project activities and current energy issues to a wide target audience.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
EAKR 2021-2027
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Vilppu Eloranta
RDI specialist
vilppu [dot] elorantaatlab [dot] fi