Maaseudun mikroyritysten vähähiiliset energiaratkaisut METE

The low-carbon energy solutions for rural micro-enterprises, ie the METE project, provides information on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy to small and micro-enterprises in south-eastern Finland. The project will disseminate industry-specific information more widely to companies on the impact of energy solutions and the payback periods for renewable energy investments. The project publishes information on low-carbon energy solutions, the development process and results in the media, blogs and trade journals. The project is managed by LAB University of Applied Sciences and the partner and co-implementer is JS-Enviro Oy.

Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Maaseuturahasto 2014-2020 Flat rate
LAB role
Lead partner
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials
Sustainable Development Goals