Ilmastoturvallisuuden parantaminen Hämeen maaseudulla

Improving climate safety in rural Häme -project aims to improve Häme countryside's readiness to prepare for climate change and the threats caused by extreme weather events. The project consortium includes the LAB University of Applied Sciences, the Häme University of Applied Sciences, the Finnish Forestry Center and the Päijät-Häme Forestry Association.

Threats cause by climate change for residents can be, for example, power outages, disruption of transport links, running out of well water, water contamination or damage to real estate or forests.

The project compiles map data that shows the climate risks facing Häme's countryside. The map layers to be created are:

- Temporal Weather Map

- Risk of disruption of traffic connections due to wind damage to forests

- Flooding areas

- Swimming waters prone to blue-green algae and deterioration of hygienic quality

- Areas with a risk of a long power outage

- The map data will be released in spring, 2023.

The project examines 4-6 village areas in more detail from the perspective of climate risks. Village residents are involved in planning and implementing measures to prevent and prepare for climate risks. Examinations of the village areas are carried out in cooperation with the students of the University of Applied Sciences.

Regarding forestry, the regional risks caused by climate change and their significance in Häme will be investigated. In addition, a risk survey will be carried out, which will clarify the risks caused by climate change to Häme's forestry, as well as the possibilities for preparation and adaptation. In the risk mapping, the high-risk areas of the region are investigated using different materials in terms of different forest damage, such as storm damage and bark beetle damage. Practical measures that can be used to promote the adaptation of forests to climate change are examined.

The project carries out versatile communication in rural areas to increase residents' and forest owners' awareness in order to prepare for climate risks. This includes articles in newspapers, newsletter, a printed and virtual guide to preparing for climate risks, poster exhibition in libraries, webinars and events to support preparedness.

Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Maaseuturahasto 2014-2020 Flat rate
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials
Takes place in project

Read about climate risk review applied in Urajärvi Village, Asikkala, Päijät-Häme:

Climate risk assessment in Urajarvi village for better preparedness

Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Kaisa Tuominen
RDI specialist
kaisa [dot] tuominenatlab [dot] fi