Hydrogen, flows to the Southeast - waste heat utilization potential

Various hydrogen-based technologies are seen to play a key role in the energy transition of the South Karelia and

Kymenlaakso region and in realizing the carbon neutrality goals of cities and industry. In 2022, LUT University carried

out South-East Finland hydrogen valley project commissioned by the cities and development companies of the region, which assessed the importance of renewable energy and hydrogen technologies for the vitality of Eastern Finland. The “Hydrogen, Flow to the Southeast” project package supports the competitiveness of the South-eastern Finland region as a location for renewable energy investments and strengthens the cooperation of various actors in starting the operation of the hydrogen valley in eastern Finland. The area's companies, cities and regional development companies are committed to the activities of Suomen Vetylaakso ry. LUTyliopisto and the universities of applied sciences operating in the region (LAB, XAMK) play a central role in the development of technology and innovations, as well as in the training of experts.

The project presented here from the waste heat utilization potential to the whole presented above through the sector integration of improving the efficiency and economy of hydrogen projects. In the Southeast hydrogen valley study, it was found that there is future potential in the integration of waste heat from hydrogen production and in the Kymenlaakso region of South Karelia. The potential of the waste heat of hydrogen production increases the profitability of hydrogen plants and brings new sustainable energy flows to be used in district heating networks or entities in the region.,Various hydrogen-based technologies are seen to play a key role in the energy transition of the South Karelia and

Kymenlaakso region and in realizing the carbon neutrality goals of cities and industry. In 2022, LUT University carried

out South-East Finland hydrogen valley project commissioned by the cities and development companies of the region, which assessed the importance of renewable energy and hydrogen technologies for the vitality of Eastern Finland. The “Hydrogen, Flow to the Southeast” project package supports the competitiveness of the South-eastern Finland region as a location for renewable energy investments and strengthens the cooperation of various actors in starting the operation of the hydrogen valley in eastern Finland. The area's companies, cities and regional development companies are committed to the activities of Suomen Vetylaakso ry. LUTyliopisto and the universities of applied sciences operating in the region (LAB, XAMK) play a central role in the development of technology and innovations, as well as in the training of experts.

The project presented here from the waste heat utilization potential to the whole presented above through the sector integration of improving the efficiency and economy of hydrogen projects. In the Southeast hydrogen valley study, it was found that there is future potential in the integration of waste heat from hydrogen production and in the Kymenlaakso region of South Karelia. The potential of the waste heat of hydrogen production increases the profitability of hydrogen plants and brings new sustainable energy flows to be used in district heating networks or entities in the region.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ERDF 2014-2020
LAB role
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Mika Keski-Luopa
RDI specialist
mika [dot] keski-luopaatlab [dot] fi