EMA-FAMS Arjessa ilmaantuvan uupumuksen ja aktiivisuuteen liittyvän väsyvyyden käsitteellistäminen ja ymmärtäminen MS-tautia sairastavilla
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive autoimmune and neurodegenerative disease. One of the major symptoms of MS is fatigue which interferes individually with daily life activities and declines performance during tasks. Measuring associations between fatigue and activity performance (i.e., activity-related fatigability) in real-life situations remains yet to be fully explored. The momentary fatigue and activity-related fatigability in daily life for people with multiple sclerosis (EMA-FAMS) study aims to conceptualize and evaluate momentary fatigue and activity-related fatigability in real-life situations for persons who struggle with fatigue in their everyday lives. The study will be organised by LAB University of Applied Sciences, Lahti, Finland. The findings of EMA-FAMS have the potential to discover new ways of understanding how fatigue and fatigability affect a person's daily living.
Project period
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Project area
Project funding
Suomen Akatemia
LAB role
Lead partner
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being