E-learning Revision Activity and Collaborative Knowledge Teaching (E-REACKT)

E-learning Revision Activity and Collaborative Knowledge Teaching (E-REACKT) is an Erasmus-funded project coordinated by BBA INSEEC in France. Partner institutions of the project include LAB University of Applied Sciences,

UCL University College from Denmark and UPV/EHU from Spain.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Erasmus 2014-2020
LAB role
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
The e-REACKT project is aimed at:

- developing and implementing an innovative online learning gaming tool Academ’Quiz to “re-invent” learning, revision and assessment processes

- developing business related courses contents (L1-L2 level) for AQ in English focusing on language, cross-cultural and basic business skills & competencies acquisition

- developing an open-access AQ Freemium version for institutions and individual, external from project partners consortia

- developing and implementing faculty support through Community of Practices aiming at facilitating the use of digital practices
The e-REACKT project is expected to produce short-, mid- and long-term impacts during and the after the project period addressing several target groups:

1) STUDENTS' motivation will be stimulated to ensure a regular learning activity and stronger individual academic performance through a multidisciplinary educational gaming tool.

2) TEACHERS will have their curriculum design and learning/assessment teaching methods development skills enhanced through a collaborative international work. The exchange of good practices whilst implementing the use of digital technologies will be carried out through the Community of Practices - an open access platform.

3) INSTITUTIONS will be able to create mutual synergies between institutions of different education levels and study fields.
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Sirpa Varajärvi
sirpa [dot] varajarviatlab [dot] fi