Digitalization of teaching of solid mechanics 2

MekaDigi2 web-image
The project is a continuation of the Digitization of Mechanics project implemented from 4/2021 to 3/2023, where mechanics teaching was developed with the help of digitization and automation, targeting the measures especially to students at risk of falling off. During the project, it was discovered that modern online education at best could offer wider range of individual study paths in the field of mechanics. Thus, a need was detected to determine competence target levels which are based on actual up-to-date needs of companies.

The goal of the MekaDigi 2 project is to develop digital online teaching pedagogics for the mechanics of mechanical engineering and the mechanics of construction engineering, to meet the needs of future working life and to meet the competence target levels required by companies. With digitalization and automation, it is possible to take into account students of different levels and offer more individualized learning paths aiming to basic level and developing into a top expert, defined based on the views of the companies recruiting engineers. In the project, variety of STACK tasks that provide automatic feedback are programmed to meet the needs of self-study students. Also, other possible task formats are explored, and visual descriptions of different phenomena in field of mechanics and structural analysis that support study motivation and understanding of the field are produced. Visualization material is produced e.g. in the form of videos, animations or virtual models. The possibilities of gamification to support motivation are also explored within the project.

The results of the project will be defined competence levels for basic designers and top-level experts. The levels are constructed based on the needs of companies. Pedagogically high-quality digital study material and automatic tasks will be implemented in the targets. This enables students to have more options and optionality, and at the same time different learners can be taken into account better. Through the strengthening of competence, interest in the field of mechanics as a career option grows and developed self-assessment skills create conditions for continuous learning.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2021-2027
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Other strategic projects
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Neea Similä
RDI specialist
neea [dot] similaatlab [dot] fi