Design OK! Preliminary study for the development of design competence in South Karelia

Design is a responsible way to innovate and develop business. However, LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu has identified in its own previous projects and cooperation projects that South Karelia companies may not recognise or know how to use design to its full potential, for example as a driver of business vitality and competitiveness or as a catalyst for the green transition. As regional actors, we are interested in finding out more about the situation so that in future we can better target our activities to benefit the various actors in the region.

The aim of the project is to identify the design maturity of companies in South Karelia, to provide an overview of the future skills needs of companies in the region to use design methods, and to use this information as a basis for development.

The current state of design utilisation in the region will be assessed through interviews, surveys and meetings, where companies will be introduced to design methods and given concrete examples of how design can be used in their own business development. The benefits of design will also be promoted in other contexts and events to raise awareness.

The aim is also to pave the way for a network of companies and actors interested in design methods.

The results are

1) a reports of the design maturity of South Karelia companies and organisations.

2) a plan of steps to improve the use of design in the region (including concrete examples).

The results will be produced in electronic format on the LAB website for public access and disseminated through multiple channels. During the project, the work will be communicated through social media channels, blog posts, project meetings, etc.

The results of the project have should lead to an increased understanding of the importance and value of design as a driver of vitality and competitiveness.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
LAB role
Lead partner
Institute of Design and Fine Arts
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Anna Palokangas
RDI specialist
anna [dot] palokangasatlab [dot] fi