Biojalostamot osana kestävää ja älykästä kiertotalousyhteiskuntaa
Biorefineries as part of a sustainable and smart circular economy (BioRSmart)The aim of this innovation project is to create a consortium to prepare a national project. This project will proceed the acquaintance of new technologies and implement co-creation aiming to improve the competence of small and medium size enterprises by developing multidisciplinary circular economy ecosystems around a biorefinery. The aim is to combine the circular economy interests of business enterprises, industry, cities and communities together with a high-level research and development by research institutes. The stakeholders of the project will be e.g., the processes producing biobased side and waste streams, these include industry, communities, primary producers, and manufacturing. The goal of the consortium and the planned smart biorefinery is to reduce the dependence of fossil oil and fossil-based fertilizers and increase the level of material self-sufficiency. This innovation project focuses on unlocking the full potential of biomass, by cascading optimized valorization of all (or at least more parts of) the biomass components. The goal is to develop smart biobased industry, aiming higher-value products by more complex and interconnected processes, streams, and producing several types of biobased products.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
EAKR 2021-2027
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials