5R Refinery

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The aim of the national environmental and circular economy goals is to reduce the use of virgin materials and increase the recycling rate.

The goal of the 5R REFINERY joint project funded by Business Finland's Bio & Circular Finland program is to create the conditions for a 5R refinery concept based on the circular economy through new research information, where the efficient utilization of side and waste streams creates new business opportunities.

The implementation period of the project is 01.01.2021 - 31.8.2024.

The project develops new information and know-how that is also internationally significant, which is expected to have significant effects on the renewal of the industry and further improvement of competitiveness in the longer term. LAB University of Applied Sciences' expertise in both circular economy and bio-based fertilizers, as well as cooperation with other partners, enables the implementation of the project.

In the work packages of the LAB vocational college, information is produced on the properties and suitability of forest industry by- and waste streams and municipal sewage sludge for further utilization. LAB also implements the formulation of biofertilizers according to the characteristics of raw material side streams, creating new types of biofertilizers, taking into account the quality characteristics and markets of fertilizers.

The project makes versatile use of the new Circular Economy laboratory.

The other implementing parties of the 5 R REFINERY project are LUT and LUKE and business partners Materflow, Nanopar, Weeefiner, Biolan, Versowood Oy, Stora Enso, Metsä Fibre, Kiilto Clean and the cities of Lappeenranta and Heinola.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
BF Co-Innovation
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Mikko Rahtola
RDI specialist
mikko [dot] rahtolaatlab [dot] fi