LAB’s Separate Admission has ended

Opiskelijoita Lahden kampuksella
Separate Admission to LAB University of Applied Sciences' bachelor's degree programs ended on 4 August 2023. We received total of 1 437 applications. Thank you for all applicants!

LAB's Separate Admission was meant for applicants with non-Finnish educational background and diplomas. The application period for Separate Admission was open from 17 July to 4 August 2023. There were two bachelor's degree programs for which the applicants were able to apply: Bachelor of Business Administration, Information technology or Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business Program.  

The decision on the selection will be notified to the applicants by 1 September 2023 at the latest. When admitted, the applicants are offered studyplace with Early Bird discount which must be accepted by 21st of September. The deadline to accept the studyplace is 1st of December 2023. Applicants who are selected to bachelor's degree programs start their studies at the begin of Spring 2024.


Hakijapalvelut, Lahti
Lahden kampus
hakijapalvelutatlab [dot] fi
Hakijapalvelut, Lappeenranta
Lappeenrannan kampus
hakijapalvelutatlab [dot] fi