LAB International Summer School 2020

 Close up of tree branch and leaves
We are delighted to let you know that the first totally on-line Summer School of LAB University of Applied Sciences took place between 25 May – 5 June 2020.

With 40 students, almost 20 different nationalities from three universities from several different disciplines we delivered the international multidisciplinary Summer School course Co-designing Better Urban Living and Wellbeing on-line. Students were supervised by academics from LAB University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences (Austria) and Glasgow Caledonian University (Scotland).

During the two weeks intensive programme students worked in teams solving cases from local stakeholders from Lahti. Final presentations were presented to the clients on Friday 5 June, on-line of course.

The cases this year were:

1. LAD – Lahti Art, Poster and Design museum

Tutors: Antti Heinonen (LAB), Katariina Mäenpää (LAB), Daniel Baxter (Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland)

2. CECI – Sharing economy examples and recycling mall

Tutors: Tarja Keski-Mattinen (LAB), Markus Kretschmer (Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria)

3. LAHTI AS EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL 2021 – Design for International Summer School

Tutors: Eeva Aarrevaara (LAB), Sari Horn (LUT) Caroline Gallagher (Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland)

Feedback from students and clients have been extremely positive and encouraging. We utilized the Zoom platform for lectures and breakout sessions, with each student group being assigned their ‘own room’, thus allowing them to work on their project together, albeit in a virtual way.

So, although it was different from our traditional format, COVID-19 did not prevent us from having a great educational experience that has allowed us to work in multidisciplinary groups, creating innovative and creative solutions in all three projects, showing us that international cooperation can still thrive even when online!

Further information:

Sari Horn, International Coordinator

LAB University of Applied Sciences

+358 50 387 1900, sari [dot] hornatlut [dot] fi (sari[dot]horn[at]lut[dot]fi)