Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences will organise their entrance examinations online
The decision to organise the examinations online was taken in order to protect the health of applicants, staff and their families. There are no projections for the progress of the Corona pandemic and we are therefore unable to predict a safe future date for the entrance exam.
The entrance examinations will be organised sometime in early June, at a date to be announced later.
The universities of applied sciences have cooperated in developing the student selection process for several years and also have the know-how to organise the examinations online.
They feel it is important that, in addition to selection based on school performance, there are other ways for applicants to be selected for degree programmes.
About half the intake of the universities of applied sciences will be filled based on the applicants’ school performance. School performance will determine between 20 and 80 per cent of selections, depending on the university. Expanding the selection by school performance would not have guaranteed the equal treatment of applicants.
There were 33 000 people among the applicants, whose certificates could not be graded the way the matriculation certificates and AMK vocational certificates (after 1.8.2015) are graded. This group includes people with older vocational qualifications, Bachelor’s degrees, post-secondary qualifications, specialist vocational qualifications, foreign degrees and a completed general upper secondary school syllabus without a matriculation certificate.
Changing the form of examination will not change the date of the academic schedule and therefore will not impact a student’s right to financial aid.
Student admissions at universities of applied sciences: questions and answers >>