Local Partners - Education Agencies

Education agencies are organisations that provide support to our future students in their higher education journey, helping them choose universities and programmes, submit applications, apply for study visas, and other services.

Honest, transparent and socially responsible student recruitment

LAB is currently working with multiple education agents from all around the world. We are committed to ensure the highest standard of studies and services for all current and potential students. 
We expect our education agents to operate honestly, transparently, ethically and socially responsibly, while always prioritizing the best interest of their clients. In the advising of prospective students and dissemination of information, our partners shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that only factual and up-to-date information is given. 

In addition, all of our agents are expected to follow the ethical guidelines and best practices presented in the Finnish International Education Agents Code of Conduct, the ACoC. The ACoC is approved by Arene, Rector’s Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences and Unifi, Rector’s Council for Finnish Universities. Therefore, this document provides standards for working in international student recruitment, as well as instructions for education agents and other parties to collaborate with Finnish higher education institutions. The guidelines apply to all interactions with prospective students, their parents, educational providers, and fellow agents. 

As a Finnish higher education institution, LAB University of Applied Sciences embraces education for a better life and a brighter future for everyone.

Give us feedback

We are always grateful to receive feedback regarding the actions and the marketing done by our partners. 

We will never reveal the source of the feedback to our partners. More importantly, the feedback we receive will never have an effect on any individual admission results. Please write to us recruitment [dot] partnersatlut [dot] fi (recruitment[dot]partners[at]lut[dot]fi) (we are part of LUT Universities, hence the e-mail) and give us as detailed information as possible.