Jobs on offer

Job opportunities
There are plenty of job opportunities at Lahti!
Lahti has also a long history as an industrial city, and we at LAB are constantly cooperating with local big companies.

Our students are often employed even already during the studying period through traineeships or other joint projects to these companies, such as Kemppi Oy, Koskisen Oy, Raute Oyj, UPM Kymmene Wood Oy, Versowood Oy, Mehiläinen Oy and Isku Oy. The Päijät-Häme Joint Authority for Health and Wellbeing and the Central Hospital also provide good training and employment opportunities for the students in our Faculty of Social and Health Care.

Entrepreneurship is our way of working, and Lahti also has good conditions for this. Powerful location, cost-effective environment, strong local networks, versatile industry structure and a growing urban environment are great support also for the emergence of a new business. In Lahti there is room and opportunities for bold dreams to come true.