LAB is a higher education institution focusing on innovation, business and industry. It operates in Lahti and Lappeenranta and also provides education online. LAB has 10,400 students, and it is the sixth largest university of applied sciences in Finland.
- The President and CEO of LAB University of Applied Sciences D.Sc. (Econ.) Turo Kilpeläinen
- The Vice President for Education Mari-Anna Suurmunne
- The Vice President for RDI Minna Suutari
- Director of Administrative Services Anne Lankinen
- Strategy Director Janne Hokkanen
LAB Executive Group
Executive Group is responsible for ensuring that decisions made by the board of LAB are implemented, and that preparation work carried out for the board is of a high quality.
- Director of the Faculty of Health Care: Minna Lignell
- Director of the Faculty of Technology: Kirsi Taivalantti
- Director of the Faculty of Business: Nora Ahtola
- Director of the Institute of Design and Fine Arts: Tytti-Lotta Ojala
- Brand and Communications Director: Liisa Kuvaja
- Director, governance and risk management: Riikka Sund
- Director of HR and Finance Services: Minna Sutela
- Director of Research Services: Tanja Grönlund
- Director of Study Affairs: Anne Himanka
- Director of Planning Services: Maija Kuiri
- Director of Learning and Facility Services: Mika Sipi
- HR Director: Sanna Virtainlahti
LAB Board
The Board of LAB University of Applied Sciences is responsible for ensuring that operations are carried out in accordance with applicable legal requirements, directives and regulations, as well as the education provider’s vision and mission.
The Board of LAB is chaired by the President of the LUT University, D.Sc. Juha-Matti Saksa. Board members:
- Pär-Gustaf Relander, Chairman of Polttimo Group
- Juha Tuominen, Member of Board
- Niko Kyynäräinen, Mayor of the City of Lahti
- Matias Hilden, Mayor of the City of Imatra
- Tiina Simola, staff member
- Sofia Mesterton, student member
- Juha-Matti Saksa, Rector, LUT University
- Jari Hämäläinen, Vice Rector, LUT University
- Riikka Sund, Director, governance and risk management