Open science and research

Science is characterized by openness, subjection to criticism, and further advancement. In its strategy, LAB is committed to the promotion of open science.

As open as possible, as closed as necessary.

Open science and the different ways to implement it - open access to research data, publications, research processes and research methods - provide many advantages for the researcher. Openness increases the societal impact and possibility for innovations.

LUT Universities (LAB University of Applied Sciences and LUT University) are committed to the principles of openness in its research, innovation and publishing activities.

LUT Universities’ open science policy

Open operating culture

  • LUT Universities recognises that openness is part of responsible science and a requirement for high-quality research, innovation, teaching, and learning. An open operating culture lays a foundation for the promotion of openness at LUT Universities. Openness increases the visibility and impact of LUT Universities, thus reinforcing the reliability and responsibility of its research. 
  • LUT University and the LAB University of Applied Sciences have signed the national Declaration for open science and research.
  • In the promotion of openness, we apply national and international strategic principles, goals, action plans and guidelines.  
  • Alongside openness, we apply good scientific practice and responsible ways of conducting research.   
  • We monitor the progress of openness in the LUT Universities’ open science steering group. 

Shared policies

  • We operate in a responsible manner and observe the European Commission’s openness principle: “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”. 
  • Research methods, data, and results and teaching materials must be accessible and easy to find and use. 
  • We observe good scientific practice and the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable).
  • We encourage the promotion of openness nationally and internationally.   
  • We recommend that our researchers use the international digital identifier ORCID and share their work under a Creative Commons license.  

Research methods and infrastructures

  • We recommend drawing up a data management policy for research infrastructures. 
  • We communicate about LUT Universities’ most important research infrastructures in public research portals.
  • We encourage the open sharing of research methods applied and developed during research, such as algorithms and source codes.

Research data

  • Research data must be managed responsibly throughout the research process, and data must be findable and reusable.
  • Preparing and maintaining a data management plan for research, development and innovation is a requirement. A data management plan describes the data and its processing and further use during and after the project.
  • We encourage publishing data articles on the collection and processing of data.
  • In cooperation with national and international actors, we provide a service package that includes tools and services for data management, use, findability, and sharing. 

Teaching materials and learning

  • We recommend providing open access to teaching materials and publishing them in the Library of Open Educational Resources or another applicable platform.
  • We recommend taking advantage of existing, high-quality open educational resources for teaching and course materials. 
  • We aim for final theses to be as openly accessible as possible. 


  • We encourage responsible open access publishing in all research and project work. 
  • Open access channels should be favoured. In addition to openness, also quality, reliability and expediency should be taken into consideration: research results should be published in the most favourable channels for the university and for the researchers’ qualifications.  
  • We recommend making other than open access publications open through self-archiving.
  • Self-archiving should take into account that the publishing profiles of LUT University and the LAB University of Applied Sciences are different:
    • LUT University requires that all non-open access scientific publications are self-archived in the LUTPub repository. 
    • The LAB University of Applied Sciences recommends the self-archiving of non-open access scientific publications in the Theseus repository. 
  • LUT Universities’ own publishing channels are open access and CC-BY-SA-licensed.
  • LUT University’s doctoral dissertations are published openly in the LUTPub repository.

LUT Academic Library

LUT Academic Library offers help and assistance in all areas of open science and research.

Open Science and Research in Finland

National coordination, declarations, policies, expert panels and general information on open science and open education.

Contact us

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