Commercialization research of highly realistic equestrian simulator

Saddle Research Trust Conference spreads equine welfare and performance knowledge worldwide
Applying the science (Source)
Professor Heikki Handroos then showed how engineering science has been applied to develop a new generation of riding simulator which is able to provide a more ‘real life’ experience than those currently available on the market, to benefit riders at every level. He explained how the system, which has a wide range of potential applications, also has potential as a hippotherapy tool, by enabling the optimal gait pattern to be programmed for each patient. The system incorporates advanced sensor technology, which could also be used in riding schools to monitor the learning curves of riding students.
Horzim Project – results & conclusion
LAB Focus blogi: Simulaatioteknologian hyödyntäminen hevosurheilussa.
Suunta blogi: Perinteinen maailma kohtaa uuden teknologian.
Kaupallisen potentiaalin validointi tutkimuslaitosympäristössä