Test&Talk text date Distance LAB project logo EU flag

Test&Talk -event

Event date and time
Event location
LAB's role
The Distance LAB project presents tools that support upgrading distance innovation and communication, business strategies and sustainability. Anyone interested in the topic is welcome to join. The project's target groups are small and medium-sized companies, business service organizations and public organizations. Students are also welcome!


Keskiviikko 6.3.2024

10-11 EET DIS assessment and development

11-12 EET Open Innovation methods

13-14 EET Networking methods 

14-15 EET Digital and eco-audits

15-16 EET These small scale pilots are presented simultaneously: 

  1. Remote learning opportunities and skills fulfillment (continues with the same link in Teams)
  2. Cybersecurity in remote (own Teams link: Join T&T Cybersecurity)
  3. Customer relationship building (own Teams link: Join T&T Customer relationship building)


Torstai 7.3.2024

10-11 EET Design for sustainability

11-12 EET Enhancing business internationalization

13-14 EET Recruitment and employee satisfaction

14-15 EET Discussion and reflection 

15-16 EET These small scale pilots are presented simultaneously: 

  1. Wellbeing and recruitment app (continues with the same link in Teams)
  2. Digitalization strategy –model (own Teams link: Join T&T Digitalization strategy)