Laboratory Of Radical Innovations

  • will enter the field of innovation using human-centered design theories and methods that emphasize foresight and creative systemic thinking.
  • will open doors to the world of radical innovation.
  • will strive for continuous growth of innovation expertise and innovation projects with local, national and international partners.
  • will build deep research collaborations with top universities
Service design workshop.

In 2030, RIL will be known globally for its practical work and research as one of the leading radical innovation laboratories in the world.

Members of the research group

Katariina Mäenpää

Katariina Mäenpää, Ph.D (B.A.) is a RDI Specialist and project manager in LAB Institute of Design and Fine Arts. Her background is in-depth marketing and consumer behaviour boosted with studies in Psychology and Sociology. She is familiar with innovations and inventiveness, advanced banking services, digital marketing, EU projects, service design and co-creation.

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Lauri Lepokari


Aperture - collAboration for imPlemEnting gReen Technologies in the bUildings and pRoperty sEctor

sUser - Introducing user-driven design and agile development skills in the case of sustainable service housing for elderly

Contact info

Katariina Mäenpää
RDI specialist
katariina [dot] maenpaaatlab [dot] fi