Hyvinvointi ja puhdas elinympäristö – suomalais-japanilaisten yhteistyömallien kehittäminen Aasian markkinalla

Finnish-Japanese co-operation has been developed since 2016 to promote regional and company partnership between the two countries dealing with capacity building and environmental technology. Lahti Region Development LADEC Ltd has been coordinator in the process. The goal is to develop common concepts for the market of the third countries. In South-Eastern Asia there is a significant need for development of wellbeing, clean environment and technology.

Projektin tila
EAKR 2014-2020
LABin rooli
Monikäyttöiset materiaalit
The project aims to launch co-operation between Finnish and Japanese companies, authorities and higher education institutes. Local co-design models are expected to open Finnish enterprises more opportunities to enter the Asian market.
Tavoitteiden toteutuminen

The project will be implemented in the area of Kyoto prefecture which can be characterized as a border zone to the metropolitan area. In this sense there is similarity with the situation of Lahti in relationship to Helsinki area. The goal of the work is to create mutual understanding and future vision of the current situation of well-being and clean environment in the region. The participants in the project are higher education institutes in the region, cities, regional administration and authorities as well as the enterprises.

In addition, HYPE project aims to produce scientific publication in cooperation with the Japanese partners which would contain collection of articles on various topics, including circular economy, rural planning, environmental education and trade relations.
Hankkeen vaikuttavuus
As promised, HYPE project has finalized and produced joint publication together with colleagues from Ryukoku University. Name of the publication is "Japanese and Finnish Development of Wellbeing and Clean Environment – practices in Kyoto prefecture and Päijät-Häme region"

Check the publication online here: https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-827-371-7

Kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet
Alexandra Maksheeva
alexandra [dot] maksheevaatlab [dot] fi