Yhteisöllisiä yrittäjyyskasvatuksen menetelmiä Sambiaan / Communal Entrepreneurship Education for Zambia

Visit to the Monze village
CEEZAM -project deepens the collaboration between the Zambian Mulungushi University (MU) and LAB University of Applied Science (LAB) in order to co-develop the entrepreneurship education and research at the Mulungushi University by introducing innovative communal entrepreneurship education methods. The project conducts PESTEL analysis (to analyze relevant political, economic, sociocultural, technological, environmental, and legal factors) in order to understand how the planned education suits to the lives of the local people (students, teachers, villagers). In addition, project conducts research on impacts of electrification and digitalization of rural communities (in Monze villages in Zambia) and how those impact to the livelihood of those communities. In addition to this, the goal is to establish relationships between the key personnel of the educational organizations and to map the current state of the entrepreneurship education (teaching methods, curriculums, teaching environments) at the Mulungushi University. Finally, communal entrepreneurship education method is presented as potential basis of development and LAB and MU co-create a plan for the development of Mulungushi University entrepreneurial education. Project includes two visit to Zambia by LAB team and MU team´s visit to Finland during the project. Furthermore, the personnel training related to the learning methods and curriculum development in the aforementioned fields is arranged. The project is funded by Finnpartnerhip business partnership support. It is a support project for Afstor Ltd.'s Afstor solar cooker goes local project. Project is implemented in collaboration with Mulungushi University and Green Living Movement.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
LAB role
Lead partner
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Takes place in project

Project updates: LAB team made a first trip to Zambia on January / February 2023. During the visit, LAB team visited Mulungushi University (MU) to understand the local entrepreneurship education, PESTEL environment and to develop closer relationships with the team members of MU. Communal entrepreneurship education method was introduced to the teachers.

In the spring 2023, LAB and MU students ran together an Innovation Challenge, where a group of students from both universities participated the Innovation Challenge were they aimed at finding new solutions to the problems of the local zambian cooperative. GLM and MU team conducted interviews in Solar Mill cooperatives in Zambia in the spring 2023 to understand better the operational environment of the local entrepreneurship.

On September 2023, LAB team visited three Monze villages (Chisuwo, Kaloba and Chiyumu communities) to collect feedback from the villagers for the usage of Afstor solar stoves. In addition, LAB team visited Mulungushi University and the communal entrepreneurship education method was introduced with the students and teachers of MU. Feedback was very positive to the method. LAB team visited also local Solar Mill to understand better the entrepreneurship environment. LAB team visited also the local Afstor office in Lusaka.

On November 2023, Mulungushi University team visited one week at the LAB University of Applied Sciences / Lappeenranta campus. During the week, team members got familiar with the entrepreneurship ecosystem of LAB / LUT and the communal entrepreneurship education and learning methods and met a group of LAB students who had formed a student cooperative in which communal entrepreneurship learning methods are being implemented. 


1.Tuominen, T. 2023 LAB Focus. Havaintoja sambialaisesta yrittäjyydestä ja kulttuurista. Available at: https://blogit.lab.fi/labfocus/havaintoja-sambialaisesta-yrittajyydesta-ja-kulttuurista/

2. Tuominen, T. & Lehto, V. 2023. LAB Focus. Yhteisöllisiä yrittäjyyskasvatusmenetelmiä Sambiaan. Available at: https://blogit.lab.fi/labfocus/yhteisollisia-yrittajyyskasvatusmenetelmia-sambiaan/

3.  Tuominen, T. 2023. LAB Focus. The effects of solar stoves in rural villages in southern Zambia. Available at:  https://blogit.lab.fi/labfocus/en/the-effects-of-solar-stoves-in-rural-villages-in-southern-zambia/

4. Tuominen, T. 2023. LAB Focus. 2023. How to create ethically responsible partnerships in global south. Available at: https://blogit.lab.fi/labfocus/en/how-to-create-ethically-responsible-partnerships-in-global-south/ 

5. Tomas Fillol, L. & Pinomaa, A. LAB Pro. 2023. Empowering zambian communities with solar cookers. Available at: https://www.labopen.fi/lab-pro/empowering-zambian-communities-with-solar-cookers/

6.Tuominen, T. & Lehto, V. 2023. Utilizing international networks to support local innovation activity LAB Innovations Annual Review. Available at: https://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/817270

7. Tuominen, T. 2023 (published 14.12.2023) Zambian Mulungushi University Team visited LAB Lappeenranta. LAB Focus. Available at: https://blogit.lab.fi/labfocus/en/zambian-mulungushi-university-team-visited-lab-lappeenranta/


The nature of the project is preparatory, and there is intention to complement it with a practice oriented pilot project. The objectives are related to building understanding and creating a plan. Objectives:

1. To conduct PESTEL analysis (to analyze relevant political, economic, sociocultural, technological, environmental, and legal factors) in order to understand how the planned education suits to the lives of the local people (students, teachers, villagers)

2. To conduct research on impacts of electrification and digitalization of rural communities (in Monze villages) and how those impact to the livelihood of those communities.

3. Analyzing and mapping the current state of the entrepreneurship education (teaching methods, curriculums, teaching environments) at the Mulungushi University

4. Present communal entrepreneurship education method for the potential basis of development and to co-create a plan for the development of Mulungushi University entrepreneurial education
Realisation of goals
Project team has collected data for PESTEL analysis from following sources:

- Mulungushi University team presented the first PESTEL of their entrepreneurship education system on February 2023

- Interview data was collected from local Solar Mill cooperatives in the spring/summer 2023. Data will be analyzed during fall 2023.

- GLM collected data in Monze villages and collected over 40 interviews during spring 2023 (usage of Afstor solar stoves).

- LAB team visited Zambia and Mulungushi University on January/February 2023 and on September 2023. During the second visit, LAB team visited Monze villages to collect feedback for the usage of Afstor Solar Stoves.
One outcome of the project will be the report of PESTEL analysis results containing information about the operational environment of Zambian entrepreneurial education as well as the relevant factors and trends. The special focus will be on the education provided for rural communities. Another outcome is the documented plan for the development of Mulungushi University entrepreneurial education.
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers