Creative action of international students for sustainable development of LAB campus

Group of students with diplomas
Group of participated students for case of Sustainable Horizons after end of Summer School. (Maksheeva 2023)
Two groups of international students created solution for the sustainable campus tour in LAB M19 campus in Lahti, where the task was part of the international Horizon-funded project.

Last week our International Summer School 2023 ‘Co-design Better Urban Living and Well-being’ had finished, where students were working on solving given challenges and providing the creative solutions completed in the multidisciplinary and international groups.

Horizon-funded project Sustainable Horizons have also participated in the Summer school by providing case study for the students. The challenge was to solve the issue of the organizing the campus tour with using of blended environment: physical walk between the checkpoints on campus and online solution where the activities would be placed, so that solution would be free to use and reproduceable. In addition, physical accessibility had to be taken in the consideration. Two participating group of international students presented diverse and applicable solutions to address the challenge given and their ideas are going to be the inspiration for the planning team of the tour activity.

Campus tour theme is constructed around the topic of Sustainability, where the certain aspects of LAB’s activities in the field will be presented, for instance RDI projects in the field of Circular Economy, Sustainable Design and technical laboratories. In addition, the Sustainability campus tour also highlights the sustainable solutions for travelling to campus, eating on campus, greening the campus area and future of the campus environment. Campus tour responds to the Work package 2 ‘Sustainable Campii Activities’ of the Sustainable Horizons project.

Sustainable Horizons is the international project at Faculty of Technology of LAB University of Applied Sciences. LAB is the project partner together with universities from Germany (Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society), Spain (University of Huelva), Czech Republic (University of Thomas Bata) and Romania (Banat Life Sciences University). Lead partner is the University of Algarve (Portugal). Project is funded by Horizon Europe (GA 101071300) and it aims to present a hybrid model of research and higher education, supported by the institutional transformation of the European universities involved. The project also aims at citizen science actions for society in general, internships in companies and the involvement of PhD candidates in distance learning, with an impact on the sustainability of the planet.

Logo of the project and EU flag

