Online studying connects students in many ways

One of the over 8500 students of the LAB University of Applied Sciences, Tom Snippe, has been studying online for two weeks now. Tom comes from the Netherlands and has been living in Finland about five years. “On the 8th of January, I have started studying International Business and Management at the LAB University of Applied Sciences in Lahti. Which has so far been a fantastic experience!”
General atmosphere moved from the campus to the online
Tom started his studies freshly in January so the other students and life at the campus are some of the important things what he misses. Luckily, the LAB’s Student Union KOE has organized a channel to Discord what works as an online chat channel to all the LAB’s students and staff.
“Online studying is not an unusual thing to do, only the situation now is. I can honestly say that I do not like it because I genuinely miss being at the campus, in the short time that I have been studying at LAB, I have made strong friendships, and I miss these friends very much. The general atmosphere is something I miss.”
Tom has already formed some online study routines. ”I generally wake up around 7–8 and have breakfast first, after that I check my emails and other messages. After that, I work on the nearest deadline assignment until completion and go to the next. Here and there I do something else to relax my mind.”
Online studying opens up the new ways to meet people
Tom reminds all the students about the positive things which comes with the online studying and working remotely. He is also recommending all students to set some designated hours per day for homework and hold on to those hours.
“A positive thing you can take out of this, I would suggest getting involved in the KOE Discord. I have already had some fun chats/talks there. So even though we’re socially distancing ourselves we can instead socially get involved and meet people who you would normally maybe never have met.”