BioCarbonValue Final Seminar banner including main points of event information

BioCarbonValue Final Seminar

26.11.2024 09.30–14.00
Tapahtuman sijainti
Lahti & Online
Wanha Walimo, Vesijärvenkatu 25, 15140 Lahti
LAB:n rooli
Welcome to the Final Seminar of the project BioCarbonValue - High-value carbons from agricultural side-streams. The event provides the most recent research information of carbon materials produced from agricultural or food industry side-streams to replace fossil-based carbon in high-value applications such as energy storage systems, biocomposites and water purification processes, including business and market perspective. The following feedstocks were studied during the project: wheat straw, reed canary grass, willow, oat husk and wheat straw lignin.

The seminar will be a hybrid event in Lahti & Online on 26 November 2024, organized by VTT and LAB University of Applied Sciences.

Place: Wanha Walimo, Vesijärvenkatu 25, Lahti and Online  

Date: 26 November 2024 

Time: On site 9:30-14:00 (EET), Online 10:00-13:00 (EET) 

Event information and registration: 

BioCarbonValue is a joint research project of VTT and LAB University of Applied Sciences. It is funded by the Business Finland Co-Innovation partnership funding and it is part of the ExpandFibre Ecosystem led by Fortum and Metsä Group. Co-funders of the project include Fortum, Sumitomo SHI FW, Neova, Premix, PUHI, Carbofex, Carbo Culture, Fifth Innovation, and the City of Heinola.