Themes and subthemes

1 Solutions for Systemic Change

This theme explores transformative sustainable solutions aimed at addressing systemic challenges within urban and regional contexts. It delves into innovative approaches of, for example, circular economy, innovative utilization of materials, energy transition, urban planning, sustainable mobility, smart governance, information modeling and infrastructure development, utilization of data, all focusing on creating sustainable and resilient systems. 

The theme emphasizes the importance of systemic change and innovation in the context of the sustainability transition, highlighting its role in addressing climate change, biodiversity loss, and promoting a holistic and safe approach to urban and regional development. Researchers and practitioners will bridge research, business and governance, through sustainable solutions for urban and regional transformation. 

Presenters will share studies that facilitate the transition towards more sustainable, inclusive, and interconnected cities and regions.


1.1 Climate-Smart and Circular Solutions

1.2 Energy Transition and Sustainable Mobility

1.3 Digital Transformation and Safety of the Urban Environment

2 Smart Health and Wellbeing Innovations

This theme emphasizes the importance of physical activity in smart cities, both from the perspective of activating people but also through combining sport, business and innovations. The theme focuses on different ways to support active and healthy lifestyles, also including solutions on the health benefits of nature, and solutions for synergic benefits, e.g. for health and sustainability, planetary health. 

On the other hand, the theme includes integration of technology and innovation to enhance healthy societies through physical activity. It covers topics, such as, smart sport facilities, wearable technologies, data-driven development, and community engagement initiatives. Societal transition and safety can be explored from the perspective of adaptation of new technologies helping to deliver security, for example, in health and emergency care context. 

In this theme attendees will gain insights into how different solutions can promote healthier and active lifestyles and contribute to the overall quality of life in smart cities and regions.


2.1 Active Lifestyle Supporting Wellbeing

2.2 Technology in Sport and Wellbeing

2.3 Societal Transition and Safety

3 Design for Sustainable Business and Responsible Consumption

This theme highlights the practice of creating and scaling environmentally, economically and socially sustainable businesses in urban and regional contexts. Design for sustainable business involves solutions that enable the development of both new production practices and consumption habits. 

In addition to exploring the role of human-driven design and creativity, the theme also examines how sustainable and innovative solutions are successfully commercialized. 

Experts will share insights into how design can support the development of circular business models and how consumption practices may be transformed through research-practice collaboration.


3.1 Business Models for a Circular Economy

3.2 Human-driven Innovations for Smart Cities and Regions

3.3 Design for Responsible Consumption