Practical case examples
Call for practical case example abstracts ended on April 30, 2024. Thank you to all authors who submitted their abstract!
We welcome presentations on good practices and practical case examples at the conference. Actors from the public sector, businesses, and organizations are invited to share practical examples of their experiments and successes in the field of regional and urban development. The goal is to share good practices and find intersections between research and practice, and to foster collaboration among researchers, specialists, businesses, and regional and urban development practitioners.
Practical case examples are submitted under the conference themes. Presentations can concern, for example, the following topics: What solutions have been used to improve the livability and safety of urban environments? How can environmental goals and business be combined in a profitable way? How can wellbeing and active lifestyle be supported at the regional and urban level? What digitalization methods can be used to promote sustainable built environment?
Abstracts for practical case examples will be reviewed for acceptance. Abstract should present the case in a clear and concise way, and highlight experiences that are useful for other cities and regions.
Practical case examples can be presented as either oral or poster presentations.
Important points for submitting the abstract:
Please submit your abstract online using the ConfTool abstract submission form. You will be asked to create a user account at ConfTool if you don't already have one. With an account you can submit contributions, access your submitted works, and review the results of the reviewing process.
Abstract must be submitted and presented in English.
The maximum length of the abstract is 250 words. We are also asking you to provide a summary of the abstract (50 words) and 3-5 keywords.
Please indicate in the submission form whether you wish to present your abstract as oral or poster presentation. In the submission form you also choose the subtheme under which your presentation fits best.
All presenting authors are expected to register for the event and pay the registration fee.
Scientific and applied research abstracts
Call for abstracts on scientific and applied research ended on March 17, 2024. Thank you to all authors who submitted their abstract!
Full papers
Authors whose abstracts have been accepted to be extended into a full paper have been contacted in March. Full papers are submitted by May 31, 2024.
Full papers will go through a peer review evaluation process. Accepted papers will be compiled into a conference proceedings, which will be published online in November 2024. The proceedings will appear in The Publication Series of LAB University of Applied Sciences.
Researchers reporting their publications within the framework of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture data collection may wish to note that the conference proceedings fall under the publication type A.
One of the aims of the SCSR conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia to discuss shared interests and new ideas. Therefore, we welcome proposals for workshops that promote collaboration and exchange of knowledge in an interactive way.
The structure of the workshop can be designed according to the organizer’s wishes. Workshops may include, for example, presentation of abstracts, panel discussions, group work on a chosen topic, or creativity techniques. The organizer is expected to plan and lead the workshop, but the SCSR team is happy to assist whenever needed.
Find more information on the accepted workshops here.
Subject to change
The organizer retains the right to adjust the conference format, agenda, or program as they see fit for the overall benefit of the conference.